Pets can be just as susceptible to illness and injury as humans. That means you could end up in a situation where your dog or cat needs emergency surgery. Animal ER offers emergency surgery services to pet owners in Midlothian. You can rest a little easier knowing that our staff provides every one of our patients with the utmost care and compassion
Emergency Pet Surgery in Midlothian, TX
Pet Surgery
Emergency surgical services offered at Veterinary Emergency of Midlothian, TX, are listed but not limited to:
- Orthopedic Surgery
- Abdominal and Soft Tissue Surgery
- C-Sections
- GI foreign body
- Septic abdomen
- Pyometra
- Cystotomy
- Splenectomy
- Nephrectomy
- Tracheostomy
- Mass removal
- Amputation
- Flail chest
- Traumatic hernia
- Enucleation
- Biopsy
- Tarsorrhaphy
- Abscess
- Laceration/wound repairs
Getting Ready for Pet Surgery
Once you’re comfortable with the procedure, we talk you through how to prepare your dog or cat for surgery. We typically recommend not feeding your dog or cat before the procedure. Our team will make sure you and your pet are in a good state of mind before moving forward with the surgery.
Pet Anesthesia
We understand that the size of a dog or cat affects the way they respond to anesthesia. We talk owners through the different options available and any potential risks, especially if they own a breed that may be more susceptible to complications under anesthesia, like a Greyhound.
Post-Surgical Care
Once your pet’s surgery is completed and your pet is recovered, we will provide you with instructions on how to properly care for them. Our staff will make sure owners have everything necessary to help their pets achieve a full recovery.
If you need emergency vet care, contact Animal ER immediately at (214) 817-1880.